Class ScanModuleExposes User Data

Provides access to a Scan system that allows users to scan objects, places, and cars with a database of item labels within a Lens.

//@input Asset.ScanModule scanModule
//@input Asset.Texture someTexture

function scanComplete(json)
var obj = JSON.parse(json);
var annotations = obj["annotations"][ScanModule.Contexts.Objects]["annotations"];
if(annotations.length > 0 && annotations[0].confidence > 0.95)
print("Scan found: " + annotations[0].name);

function onFailure(reason)
print("Scan failure: " + reason);

//if not filled via GUI
script.scanModule.targetTexture = script.someTexture;

script.createEvent("LongPressStartEvent").bind(function() {
script.scanModule.scan([ScanModule.Contexts.Objects], scanComplete, onFailure);

Hierarchy (View Summary, Expand)



name: string

The name of the Asset in Lens Studio.

scanTarget: Texture

Optional property to pass in a texture for Scan to use.

uniqueIdentifier: string


  • Returns the name of this object's type.

    Returns string

  • Returns true if the object matches or derives from the passed in type.


    • type: string

    Returns boolean

  • Returns true if this object is the same as other. Useful for checking if two references point to the same thing.


    Returns boolean

  • Starts a single Scan call using the provided list of ScanModule.Contexts. On success it will invoke scanComplete providing a JSON string. On failure it will invoke onFailure with a failure message passed in as an argument.


    • contexts: string[]
    • scanComplete: (resultJson: string) => void
    • scanFailed: (failureMessage: string) => void

    Returns void