constructorPoints to the animation asset to be played by the Animation Player.
Returns begin time of clip.
The blend mode for this particular clip.
Whether the animation clip is disabled.
durationReturns the duration of the clip which is calculated based on the begin and end times.
Returns end time of clip.
nameName of the clip.
Choose whether to play animation clip once, loop the clip, or ping pong it.
Scalar value to represent playback speed percentage. 1.0 is 100% playback speed.
Specifies if the clip should be played reversed.
How scale is accumulated. Usually does not need to be changed after import.
Strength of animation clip contribution. Lies between [0.0, 1.0] inclusive. For default blending a 1.0 weight indicates this clip will override all earlier clips, a less than 1.0 weight indicates it will blend onto the calculated pose using a weighted average.
createCreates an animation clip from an animation asset.
Returns the name of this object's type.
Returns true if the object matches or derives from the passed in type.
Returns true if this object is the same as other
. Useful for checking if two references point to the same thing.
Animation Clip is what an Animation Player uses to manage playback for a specific animation. It defines that animation by referencing an Animation Asset and providing start and end points, playback speed and direction, and blending information.