Animation Clip is what an Animation Player uses to manage playback for a specific animation. It defines that animation by referencing an Animation Asset and providing start and end points, playback speed and direction, and blending information.

//@input Component.AnimationPlayer animationPlayer
//@input Asset.AnimationAsset myAnimation

const myClip = AnimationClip.create("myAnimationClip");
myClip.animation = script.myAnimation;
myClip.begin = 0;
myClip.end = 3.75;
myClip.weight = 1.0;
myClip.playbackSpeed = 0.5;
myClip.playbackMode = PlaybackMode.Loop;
myClip.reversed = true;
myClip.disabled = false;

script.animationPlayer.playClipAt(, 0.0);

Hierarchy (View Summary, Expand)



animation: AnimationAsset

Points to the animation asset to be played by the Animation Player.

begin: number

Returns begin time of clip.

The blend mode for this particular clip.

disabled: boolean

Whether the animation clip is disabled.

duration: number

Returns the duration of the clip which is calculated based on the begin and end times.

end: number

Returns end time of clip.

name: string

Name of the clip.

playbackMode: PlaybackMode

Choose whether to play animation clip once, loop the clip, or ping pong it.

playbackSpeed: number

Scalar value to represent playback speed percentage. 1.0 is 100% playback speed.

reversed: boolean

Specifies if the clip should be played reversed.

How scale is accumulated. Usually does not need to be changed after import.

weight: number

Strength of animation clip contribution. Lies between [0.0, 1.0] inclusive. For default blending a 1.0 weight indicates this clip will override all earlier clips, a less than 1.0 weight indicates it will blend onto the calculated pose using a weighted average.


  • Returns true if the object matches or derives from the passed in type.


    • type: string

    Returns boolean

  • Returns true if this object is the same as other. Useful for checking if two references point to the same thing.


    Returns boolean