constructorThe blend mode used for rendering.
Controls the masking of color channels with a vec4b representing each channel with a boolean.
The cull mode used for rendering.
Enables depth-sorting.
Enables writing pixels to the depth buffer.
Number of times the pass will be rendered. Useful with the Instance ID node in Material Editor.
Line width used for rendering.
The name of the pass wrapper.
Changes the position that each polygon gets drawn.
samplersA proxy class that provides the access to the properties of the passes under the hood of VFXAsset. PassWrapper.samplers property which is tied to the Pass.samplers one. For example:
pass.samplers.texture_name.Fitering = FilteringMode.Nearest
Whether the material renders on both sides of a mesh face.
Returns the name of this object's type.
Returns true if the object matches or derives from the passed in type.
Returns true if this object is the same as other
. Useful for checking if two references point to the same thing.
Similar to Pass, except used by VFXAsset.