visualReturns the current outline offset.
Sets the squish scale of the inner circle
Returns the Texture of the cursor when using the CursorMode.Custom mode
the custom texture (typically cached via requireAsset(.../assetName.png) as Texture) to use
Set the CursorMode of the cursor to change the visual To return the cursor to its default StateMachine logic, use CursorMode.Auto
The new mode of the cursor visual
Returns the custom texture to place onto the plane mesh when using CursorMode.Custom.
Caches the custom texture to place onto the plane mesh when using CursorMode.Custom.
Get the 'handedness' of the cursor, e.g. left, right, or non-hand.
-1 for Left, 0 for Non-Hand, 1 for Right
Set the 'handedness' of the cursor, e.g. left, right, or non-hand.
Sets whether or not the cursor itself should be shown.
Sets whether or not the cursor itself should be shown, and fades it in/out accordingly.
Returns if the cursor is in a triggered state.
Sets if the cursor should reflect a triggered state.
Returns if there are multiple Interactors active in the scene to enable the multi-Interactor look.
Set if there are multiple Interactors active in the scene to enable the multi-Interactor look.
Returns the current alpha of the outline.
Sets whether or not the cursor outline should be shown and fades the outline in/out accordingly.
Returns the current outline offset.
Sets the offset to increase the outline radius (both inner and outer edges) e.g. outlineOffset = 0.1 changes the outer/inner radii from default of (0.5,0.4) to (0.6,0.5)
Returns if the visual should use a texture instead of drawing onto the plane mesh.
Sets if the visual should use a texture instead of drawing onto the plane mesh.
Returns the world scale of the cursor.
CircleVisual provides the circle visual of the cursor & controls the fade in/out animations.