constructorAngular velocity, expressed as an axis of rotation scaled by angular speed (radians/s).
Toggle collider wire rendering for visualizing collider geometry shape and where it is placed.
If disabled, the Component will stop enacting its behavior.
Collision filter to use for this collider.
If enabled, the collider shape extends to fit the visual mesh, if any. Only applicable for Box and Sphere shapes.
Nested collider/body components may be merged into compound shapes. By default, this occurs only for dynamic bodies and not for static colliders. If forceCompound
is set, this occurs for static colliders as well.
If enabled, the collider doesn't interact with the world but may still be detected with ray casts and intersection events.
The matter used by the collider to define its physical substance, such as friction and bounciness.
onSignals when objects initially collide.
onSignals when objects stop colliding.
onSignals every frame while objects continue to collide.
onSignals when colliders first overlap.
onSignals when colliders stop overlapping.
onSignals every frame while colliders continue to overlap.
Collision filter used for overlap events.
Smoothing spring factor, for rotation.
sceneThe scene object this component is on.
The Shape object used for collision.
Smooth transform changes using a dampened spring. Useful to reduce motion noise. This only applies to the simulation and changes from outside the simulation. The scene object's transform is not affected. It has no effect for dynamic bodies.
Smoothing spring factor, for translation. This controls the restitution strength of the spring, so low values are smoother but lag more.
uniqueLinear velocity (cm/s).
The WorldSettingsAsset used by the collider to define the physics simulation settings.
Clears all velocities and forces on a collider.
Destroys the component.
Returns the SceneObject the component is attached to.
Returns the Transform this component is attached to.
Returns the name of this object's type.
Returns true if the object matches or derives from the passed in type.
Returns true if this object is the same as other
. Useful for checking if two references point to the same thing.
Used to define the physical boundaries of an object, allowing it to interact with other objects in Physics, Cloth or Hair simulation.
Provides a way for scene objects to detect and respond to collisions. Useful for detecting when objects overlap or contact each other, which can then be used to trigger events or effects within the Lens experience.