This is a random number generator that allows you to set the seed used, for generating consistent random values between runs. It is implemented as a linear congruential generator, which is fast but not very random.

NOTE: The seed you pass needs to be an Integer




seed: number


  • Returns an Array of random numbers within a specified range (no duplicates).


    • rangeMin: number

      The minimum value of the range (inclusive).

    • rangeMax: number

      The maximum value of the range (exclusive).

    • numRandomNumbers: number

      The number of random numbers to generate.

    Returns number[]

    An Array of random numbers within the specified range.

    Will throw an error if rangeMin >= rangeMax.

    Will throw an error if numRandomNumbers > rangeMax - rangeMin.

  • Returns a random integer between 0 and 2^32

    Returns number

    A random integer between 0 and 2^32

  • Generate an integer in the given range.


    • start: number

      The lowest value in the range. If this is a decimal, the start of the range will be the floor of the value.

    • end: number

      The highest value in the range. If this is a decimal, the end of the range will be the floor of the value.

    Returns (() => number)

    A function that, when called, returns an integer within the given range.

      • (): number
      • Returns number

  • Generates a random point within an Axis-Aligned Bounding Box (AABB). An AABB is a rectangular box specified by providing the minimum and maximum x, y, and z coordinates.


    • minPoint: vec3

      The minimum point of the AABB.

    • maxPoint: vec3

      The maximum point of the AABB.

    Returns vec3

    A randomly generated point within the specified AABB, where minPoint.x <= x <= maxPont.x etc.

    Will throw an error if any component of minPoint is greater than the corresponding component of maxPoint.

  • Generates a random quaternion. The resulting quaternion is of unit length and its components range between -1 and 1.

    Returns quat

    A randomly generated quaternion of unit length.

  • Generate a floating-point number in the given range


    • start: number

      The lowest value in the range.

    • end: number

      The highest value in the range.

    Returns (() => number)

    A function that, when called, returns a number within the given range.

      • (): number
      • Returns number