seed: numberReturns an Array of random numbers within a specified range (no duplicates).
The minimum value of the range (inclusive).
The maximum value of the range (exclusive).
The number of random numbers to generate.
An Array of random numbers within the specified range.
Returns a random integer between 0 and 2^32
A random integer between 0 and 2^32
Generate an integer in the given range.
The lowest value in the range. If this is a decimal, the start of the range will be the floor of the value.
The highest value in the range. If this is a decimal, the end of the range will be the floor of the value.
A function that, when called, returns an integer within the given range.
Generates a random point within an Axis-Aligned Bounding Box (AABB). An AABB is a rectangular box specified by providing the minimum and maximum x, y, and z coordinates.
A randomly generated point within the specified AABB, where minPoint.x <= x <= maxPont.x etc.
Generates a random quaternion. The resulting quaternion is of unit length and its components range between -1 and 1.
A randomly generated quaternion of unit length.
Generate a floating-point number in the given range
The lowest value in the range.
The highest value in the range.
A function that, when called, returns a number within the given range.
This is a random number generator that allows you to set the seed used, for generating consistent random values between runs. It is implemented as a linear congruential generator, which is fast but not very random.
NOTE: The seed you pass needs to be an Integer
See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_congruential_generator