Provides an interface to the ExternalMusic feature, and opts the Lens into using the feature when present in the scene.

When this module is present in a scene, an unbundled and licensed AudioTrack asset must be present in the scene as well. This means the Lens developer should:

  1. Import a licensed music track from the Asset Library
  2. On the imported audio asset, make sure Bundled is disabled
  3. Reference the audio asset somewhere in the scene (for example, @input audioAsset: AudioTrackAsset)

When this module is present in a Lens, the client running the Lens (either Snapchat or Lens Studio) will automatically fetch and auto-play the licensed music track included in the Lens.

This provides the benefits of:

  • The music file is not included in the lens, leading to smaller lens size
  • Special features like Lyrics may be available to the Lens, depending on the audio track
  • On Snapchat, a user can use the built-in music tool to adjust the music the Lens is using, and the Lens can react to that change

This also adds the following limitations, some of which are due to the inclusion of Licensed Audio Tracks:

  • The Lens cannot control or affect music playback, since it's controlled externally by the user.
  • The Lens must contain a single, unbundled Licensed Audio track. The Lens is not able to play it or any other audio through local methods, such as AudioComponent.
  • If device location is not available, or the track is not available in the user’s country, the sound in the Lens will be muted. The user will have an ability to remove or replace unavailable tracks.
  • The final audio will be mixed directly into the Lens.
const externalMusicModule = require("LensStudio:ExternalMusicModule") as ExternalMusicModule;

export class ExternalMusicExample extends BaseScriptComponent {
// Make sure an AudioTrack asset is included in the scene. It determines the track that plays.
// If you see errors, make sure that "Bundled" is unchecked (disabled) on the AudioTrack.
@input audioAsset: AudioTrackAsset;

onAwake() {
// Get LyricsTracker
const lyricsTracker = externalMusicModule.getLyricsTracker();

externalMusicModule.onTrackStarted.add(() => {
print("External music has started to play");

externalMusicModule.onTrackStopped.add(() => {
print("External music has stopped playback");

externalMusicModule.onTrackRemoved.add(() => {
print("External music track has been removed");

externalMusicModule.onTrackChanged.add(() => {
print("External music track has been changed");

Hierarchy (View Summary, Expand)



isTrackSet: boolean

Returns true if an external music track is set.

name: string

The name of the Asset in Lens Studio.

onTrackChanged: event1<ExternalMusicInfo, void>

Event that triggers when the external music track changes.

onTrackRemoved: event0<void>

Event that fires when an external music track is removed.

onTrackStarted: event1<ExternalMusicInfo, void>

Event that fires when an external music track starts playing.

onTrackStopped: event0<void>

Event that fires when an external music track stops playing.

uniqueIdentifier: string


  • Returns the name of this object's type.

    Returns string

  • Returns true if the object matches or derives from the passed in type.


    • type: string

    Returns boolean

  • Returns true if this object is the same as other. Useful for checking if two references point to the same thing.


    Returns boolean