Options for stretching a mesh to fit a ScreenTransform

Used in RenderMeshVisual stretchMode property, as long as the SceneObject has a ScreenTransform attached.

Also used in TextFill

See the Image guide for more information about stretch modes.

// @input Component.Image image

script.image.stretchMode = StretchMode.Stretch;

Enumeration Members

Fill: number

Scale uniformly so that both width and height meet or exceed the bounds.

FillAndCut: number

Same as Fill, but when used with the Image any area outside of the bounds is cropped out.

Fit: number

Scale uniformly so that both width and height fit within the bounds.

FitHeight: number

Scale uniformly to match the same height as the bounds.

FitWidth: number

Scale uniformly to match the same width as the bounds.

Stretch: number

Scale non-uniformly to match the exact width and height of the bounds.