Expression names used with FaceRenderObjectProvider.getExpressionWeightByName() and returned by FaceRenderObjectProvider.getExpressionNames().

// @input Asset.RenderMesh faceMesh

var mouthCloseWeight = script.faceMesh.control.getExpressionWeightByName(Expressions.MouthClose);



BrowsDownLeft: string

Left eyebrow downward movement

BrowsDownRight: string

Right eyebrow downward movement

BrowsUpCenter: string

Between eyebrows upward movement

BrowsUpLeft: string

Left eyebrow upward movement

BrowsUpRight: string

Right eyebrow upward movement

CheekSquintLeft: string

Left cheek and below left eye upward movement

CheekSquintRight: string

Right cheek and below right eye upward movement

EyeBlinkLeft: string

Left eyelids closing

EyeBlinkRight: string

Right eyelids closing

EyeDownLeft: string

Left eyelids downward look

EyeDownRight: string

Right eyelids downward look

EyeInLeft: string

Left eyelids looking towards center

EyeInRight: string

Right eyelids looking towards center

EyeOpenLeft: string

Left eyelids opening

EyeOpenRight: string

Right eyelids opening

EyeOutLeft: string

Left eyelids looking away from center

EyeOutRight: string

Right eyelids looking away from center

EyeSquintLeft: string

Left eye squinting

EyeSquintRight: string

Right eye squinting

EyeUpLeft: string

Left eyelids upward look

EyeUpRight: string

Right eyelids upward look

JawForward: string

Jaw forward movement

JawLeft: string

Jaw leftward movement

JawOpen: string

Jaw opening

JawRight: string

Jaw rightward movement

LipsFunnel: string

Lips forming open circular shape together

LipsPucker: string

Lips compressing together while closed

LowerLipClose: string

Lower lip moving towards and behind upper lip

LowerLipDownLeft: string

Left lower lip downward movement

LowerLipDownRight: string

Right lower lip downward movement

LowerLipRaise: string

Lower lip upward movement

MouthClose: string

Lips moving together

MouthDimpleLeft: string

Left mouth corner back and leftward movement

MouthDimpleRight: string

Right mouth corner back and rightward movement

MouthFrownLeft: string

Left mouth corner downward movement

MouthFrownRight: string

Right mouth corner downward movement

MouthLeft: string

Both lips leftward movement

MouthRight: string

Both lips rightward movement

MouthSmileLeft: string

Left mouth corner upward movement

MouthSmileRight: string

Right mouth corner upward movement

MouthStretchLeft: string

Left side of mouth leftward movement

MouthStretchRight: string

Right side of mouth rightward movement

MouthUpLeft: string

Left side of mouth upward movement

MouthUpRight: string

Right side of mouth upward movement

Puff: string

Both cheeks puffing outward movement

SneerLeft: string

Left nostril raising

SneerRight: string

Right nostril raising

UpperLipClose: string

Upper lip moving towards and behind lower lip

UpperLipRaise: string

Upper lip upward movement

UpperLipUpLeft: string

Left upper lip upward movement

UpperLipUpRight: string

Right upper lip upward movement