The "aim" and "up" vectors used with LookAtComponent when determining rotation. LookAtComponent will try to point the Aim axis of the SceneObject towards the target, while keeping the Up axis of the SceneObject pointing towards worldUpVector.

// Set aimVectors to [-Z Aim, Y Up]
// (Useful for aiming the camera since it faces towards -Z)
//@input Component.LookAtComponent lookAt
script.lookAt.aimVectors = LookAtComponent.AimVectors.NegativeZAimYUp;

Enumeration Members

NegativeXAimNegativeYUp: number

-X Aim, -Y Up

NegativeXAimNegativeZUp: number

-X Aim, -Z Up

NegativeXAimYUp: number

-X Aim, Y Up

NegativeXAimZUp: number

-X Aim, Z Up

NegativeYAimNegativeXUp: number

-Y Aim, -X Up

NegativeYAimNegativeZUp: number

-Y Aim, -Z Up

NegativeYAimXUp: number

-Y Aim, X Up

NegativeYAimZUp: number

-Y Aim, Z Up

NegativeZAimNegativeXUp: number

-Z Aim, -X Up

NegativeZAimNegativeYUp: number

-Z Aim, -Y Up

NegativeZAimXUp: number

-Z Aim, X Up

NegativeZAimYUp: number

-Z Aim, Y Up

XAimNegativeYUp: number

X Aim, -Y Up

XAimNegativeZUp: number

X Aim, -Z Up

XAimYUp: number

X Aim, Y Up

XAimZUp: number

X Aim, Z Up

YAimNegativeXUp: number

Y Aim, -X Up

YAimNegativeZUp: number

Y Aim, -Z Up

YAimXUp: number

Y Aim, X Up

YAimZUp: number

Y Aim, Z Up

ZAimNegativeXUp: number

Z Aim, -X Up

ZAimNegativeYUp: number

Z Aim, -Y Up

ZAimXUp: number

Z Aim, X Up

ZAimYUp: number

Z Aim, Y Up