Triangle hit information, available when a ray cast intersects a collision mesh.

var probe = Physics.createGlobalProbe();

function printHit(hit) {
var tri = hit.triangle;
if (tri) {
print("triangle: " + tri);
print("mesh: " + tri.mesh);
print("index: " + tri.index);
print("vertexIndices: " + tri.vertexIndices);
print("vertexPositions: " + tri.vertexPositions);
print("barycentricCoordinate: " + tri.barycentricCoordinate);

probe.rayCast(fromPos, toPos, function onHitNearest(hit) {
if (hit) {

Hierarchy (View Summary, Expand)



barycentricCoordinate: vec3

Barycentric coordinate of the hit on the triangle. This is used to interpolate values over the triangle surface. Essentially, these are weights for each of the 3 triangle vertices. For example, you can compute the hit position from vertex positions as: (V0*b0 + V1*b1 + V2*b2). We already have the hit position in RayCastHit, but 'V' can be any interpolated value, such as color or texture coordinate.

index: number

Index of the triangle in the mesh. Note, this is the index of the triangle in the collision mesh, which won't necessarily correspond to the same index on the render mesh (depending on type and bake settings).

Collision mesh containing the triangle.

vertexIndices: number[]

Vertex indices in the mesh. Note, these are the indices of the vertices in the collision mesh, which won't necessarily correspond to the same indices in the render mesh (depending on type and bake settings).

vertexPositions: vec3[]

World-space vertex positions.


  • Returns true if the object matches or derives from the passed in type.


    • type: string

    Returns boolean

  • Returns true if this object is the same as other. Useful for checking if two references point to the same thing.


    Returns boolean