Provides information about the device running the Lens. Accessible through global.deviceInfoSystem.

var osType = global.deviceInfoSystem.getOS();
var isMobile = (osType == OS.iOS || osType == OS.Android);

Hierarchy (View Summary, Expand)



onInternetStatusChanged: event1<InternetStatusChangedArgs, void>

Triggered when internet availability changed.

Example js

// @input Component.Text textObject

global.deviceInfoSystem.onInternetStatusChanged.add(function(eventData) {
script.textObject.text = eventData.isInternetAvailable
? "UPDATED: Internet is available"
: "UPDATED: No internet";

Example ts

export class NewScript extends BaseScriptComponent {
@input textObject: Text;

onAwake() {
this.textObject.text = global.deviceInfoSystem.isInternetAvailable()
? "Internet is available"
: "No internet";

global.deviceInfoSystem.onInternetStatusChanged.add((args) => {
this.textObject.text = args.isInternetAvailable
? "UPDATED: Internet is available"
: "UPDATED: No internet";
screenScale: number

Specifies the device pixel ratio. Can be used to set rendering at the real screen resolution.


  • Exposes User Data

    Returns the operating system type of the device.

    Returns OS

  • Experimental Wearable Only

    Get the DeviceCamera object for the given camera ID which provides intrinsics/extrinsics of the camera.


    Returns DeviceCamera

  • Returns whether the current Lens is running in a desktop computer.

    Returns boolean

  • Returns whether the current Lens is running in Lens Studio.

    Returns boolean

  • Returns true if the device has access to the internet.

    Example js

    // @input Component.Text textObject

    script.textObject.text = global.deviceInfoSystem.isInternetAvailable()
    ? "Internet is available"
    : "No internet";

    Example ts

    export class NewScript extends BaseScriptComponent {
    @input textObject: Text;

    onAwake() {
    this.textObject.text = global.deviceInfoSystem.isInternetAvailable()
    ? "Internet is available"
    : "No internet";

    Returns boolean

  • Returns whether the current Lens is running in a mobile device.

    Returns boolean

  • Returns true if the object matches or derives from the passed in type.


    • type: string

    Returns boolean

  • Returns true if this object is the same as other. Useful for checking if two references point to the same thing.


    Returns boolean

  • Returns whether the current Lens is running in a Spectacles device.

    Returns boolean

  • Accepts a callback which indicates whether the current device is capable of providing both front and rear camera texture simultaneously.


    • callback: (supportsDualCamera: boolean) => void

    Returns void