Components List

Below is a list of all the classes that is a subclass of Component.

Component Description
AnimationPlayer Controls animation playback. The component takes in a list of AnimationClips, and allows you to play, stop, resume, subscribe to animation events, and more.
AudioComponent Used to play audio in a Lens.
AudioEffectComponent Used to add effects to audio recorded by the device, such as Robot, Alien, etc.
AudioListenerComponent Processes input from AudioComponents that use Spatial Audio.
BaseMeshVisual Base for all mesh rendering components.
BlurNoiseEstimation Used to analyze camera input and apply similar image artifacts to AR objects to better blend and match with the real world.
BodyComponent Allows Physics simulation to control SceneObject.
Camera Renders SceneObjects to one or more Render Target textures.
Canvas A root of the 2D ScreenTransform hierarchy in 3D space. Also used to configure unit settings of Orthographic Camera.
ClearDepth Clears depth in the drawing order.
ClothVisual Simulates and renders cloth visuals in a Lens.
ColliderComponent Used to define the physical boundaries of an object, allowing it to interact with other objects in Physics, Cloth or Hair simulation.
ColocatedTrackingComponent Allows SceneObject to be tracked in a Connected Lens Experience.
ConstraintComponent Used to apply specific restrictions on how a SceneObject with BodyComponent can move.
CustomLocationGroupComponent A component managing and tracking a group of Custom Locations with known relative transforms. The Transform of the Custom Location Group's SceneObject is updated when any child is successfully tracked.
DepthSetter Writes video feed depth information to the depth buffer, which automatically sets up depth occlusion for 3D visuals.
DeviceLocationTrackingComponent Used to track a real-world location in a Lens.
DeviceTracking Enables a SceneObject to align with the movements and orientation of the user's device. Provides tracking modes such as Surface, Rotation, and World.
EyeColorVisual Applies an eye color effect to a face.
FaceInsetVisual Provides a 2D visual of a section of a tracked face, such as Mouth, Nose, etc.
FaceMaskVisual Maps a 2D texture to the user's face.
FaceStretchVisual Used to apply deformation effects to specific regions of a tracked face.
GaussianSplattingVisual Allows displaying GaussianSplattingAsset and play its animation.
HairVisual Used to simulate and render hairstyles with realistic lighting and physics.
Head Used to move and rotate SceneObjects in sync with the user's head movements.
HintsComponent Used to display text hints in a Lens.
Image Used to display 2D textures within a scene.
InteractionComponent Enables invoking touch interactions with a BaseMeshVisual rendered to specific Camera.
LightSource Acts as a source of light in the scene.
LiquifyVisual Applies a liquify effect to anything rendered behind it.
LocatedAtComponent Enables placing a SceneObject at a real world location provided by LocationAsset and specified relative position.
LookAtComponent Orients a SceneObject towards a target SceneObject.
MLComponent Used to integrate machine learning models into a Lens.
ManipulateComponent Handles input information from user touch input via the InteractionComponent to control the Scale, Rotation, and Translation of objects.
MarkerTrackingComponent Used to track images in the camera.
MaskingComponent Masks out visuals and InteractionComponent touch events area within a rectangle defined by ScreenTransform component.
MaterialMeshVisual Inherits from BaseMeshVisual and provides access to the Material used in the rendering process.
MeshVisual Deprecated. Serves as alias for BaseMeshVisual.
ObjectTracking Used to track objects in 2D space, such as body parts, pet, hand.
ObjectTracking3D Used to track objects in 3D space, such as body, hands.
PinToMeshComponent Attaches the SceneObject to the mesh surface of a specific RenderMeshVisual.
PostEffectVisual Uses an input color lookup table image to adjust the coloring of the Lens.
RectangleSetter Positions ScreenTransform according to a cropped region of a texture provided by CropTextureProvider.
RenderMeshVisual Extends MaterialMeshVisual, adding the capability to utilize specific RenderMesh assets to depict 3D models within a scene.
RetouchVisual Adds subtle retouching effects to detected faces such as soft skin, teeth whitening, etc.
ScreenRegionComponent Overrides the settings on a local ScreenTransform to fit specific screen region on the device.
ScreenTransform Used for positioning objects in 2D screen space. Modifies the position, size, and anchoring of a rectangle relatively to a parent ScreenTransform.
ScriptComponent Used to bind custom JavaScript or TypeScript code to specific Lens events for dynamic interactivity.
Skin Represents skinning data for rigged meshes. See also: MeshVisual.
SplineComponent Used by HairVisual to visualize hair strands.
SpriteAligner Represents transform data for deprecated SpriteVisual component. Use ScreenTransform in combination with Image component instead.
Text Renders 2D text with specific style and layout.
Text3D Renders 3D text with specific style, layout and material.
TrackedPointComponent Allows you to bind the position and rotation of an object with this component to a TrackedPoint.
VFXComponent Renders VFXAsset in scene.
VertexCache Used to help control vertex animations on the SceneObject.
Visual Base class for all visual Components.
WorldComponent Groups Physics objects in its subtree into an independent world simulation.