Below is a list of all the classes that is a subclass of Component.
Component | Description |
AnimationPlayer | Controls animation playback. The component takes in a list of AnimationClips, and allows you to play, stop, resume, subscribe to animation events, and more. |
AudioComponent | Used to play audio in a Lens. |
AudioEffectComponent | Used to add effects to audio recorded by the device, such as Robot, Alien, etc. |
AudioListenerComponent | Processes input from AudioComponents that use Spatial Audio. |
BaseMeshVisual | Base for all mesh rendering components. |
BlurNoiseEstimation | Used to analyze camera input and apply similar image artifacts to AR objects to better blend and match with the real world. |
BodyComponent | Allows Physics simulation to control SceneObject. |
Camera | Renders SceneObjects to one or more Render Target textures. |
Canvas | A root of the 2D ScreenTransform hierarchy in 3D space. Also used to configure unit settings of Orthographic Camera. |
ClearDepth | Clears depth in the drawing order. |
ClothVisual | Simulates and renders cloth visuals in a Lens. |
ColliderComponent | Used to define the physical boundaries of an object, allowing it to interact with other objects in Physics, Cloth or Hair simulation. |
ColocatedTrackingComponent | Allows SceneObject to be tracked in a Connected Lens Experience. |
ConstraintComponent | Used to apply specific restrictions on how a SceneObject with BodyComponent can move. |
CustomLocationGroupComponent | A component managing and tracking a group of Custom Locations with known relative transforms. The Transform of the Custom Location Group's SceneObject is updated when any child is successfully tracked. |
DepthSetter | Writes video feed depth information to the depth buffer, which automatically sets up depth occlusion for 3D visuals. |
DeviceLocationTrackingComponent | Used to track a real-world location in a Lens. |
DeviceTracking | Enables a SceneObject to align with the movements and orientation of the user's device. Provides tracking modes such as Surface , Rotation , and World . |
EyeColorVisual | Applies an eye color effect to a face. |
FaceInsetVisual | Provides a 2D visual of a section of a tracked face, such as Mouth , Nose , etc. |
FaceMaskVisual | Maps a 2D texture to the user's face. |
FaceStretchVisual | Used to apply deformation effects to specific regions of a tracked face. |
GaussianSplattingVisual | Allows displaying GaussianSplattingAsset and play its animation. |
HairVisual | Used to simulate and render hairstyles with realistic lighting and physics. |
Head | Used to move and rotate SceneObjects in sync with the user's head movements. |
HintsComponent | Used to display text hints in a Lens. |
Image | Used to display 2D textures within a scene. |
InteractionComponent | Enables invoking touch interactions with a BaseMeshVisual rendered to specific Camera. |
LightSource | Acts as a source of light in the scene. |
LiquifyVisual | Applies a liquify effect to anything rendered behind it. |
LocatedAtComponent | Enables placing a SceneObject at a real world location provided by LocationAsset and specified relative position. |
LookAtComponent | Orients a SceneObject towards a target SceneObject. |
MLComponent | Used to integrate machine learning models into a Lens. |
ManipulateComponent | Handles input information from user touch input via the InteractionComponent to control the Scale, Rotation, and Translation of objects. |
MarkerTrackingComponent | Used to track images in the camera. |
MaskingComponent | Masks out visuals and InteractionComponent touch events area within a rectangle defined by ScreenTransform component. |
MaterialMeshVisual | Inherits from BaseMeshVisual and provides access to the Material used in the rendering process. |
MeshVisual | Deprecated. Serves as alias for BaseMeshVisual. |
ObjectTracking | Used to track objects in 2D space, such as body parts, pet, hand. |
ObjectTracking3D | Used to track objects in 3D space, such as body, hands. |
PinToMeshComponent | Attaches the SceneObject to the mesh surface of a specific RenderMeshVisual. |
PostEffectVisual | Uses an input color lookup table image to adjust the coloring of the Lens. |
RectangleSetter | Positions ScreenTransform according to a cropped region of a texture provided by CropTextureProvider. |
RenderMeshVisual | Extends MaterialMeshVisual, adding the capability to utilize specific RenderMesh assets to depict 3D models within a scene. |
RetouchVisual | Adds subtle retouching effects to detected faces such as soft skin, teeth whitening, etc. |
ScreenRegionComponent | Overrides the settings on a local ScreenTransform to fit specific screen region on the device. |
ScreenTransform | Used for positioning objects in 2D screen space. Modifies the position, size, and anchoring of a rectangle relatively to a parent ScreenTransform. |
ScriptComponent | Used to bind custom JavaScript or TypeScript code to specific Lens events for dynamic interactivity. |
Skin | Represents skinning data for rigged meshes. See also: MeshVisual. |
SplineComponent | Used by HairVisual to visualize hair strands. |
SpriteAligner | Represents transform data for deprecated SpriteVisual component. Use ScreenTransform in combination with Image component instead. |
Text | Renders 2D text with specific style and layout. |
Text3D | Renders 3D text with specific style, layout and material. |
TrackedPointComponent | Allows you to bind the position and rotation of an object with this component to a TrackedPoint. |
VFXComponent | Renders VFXAsset in scene. |
VertexCache | Used to help control vertex animations on the SceneObject. |
Visual | Base class for all visual Components. |
WorldComponent | Groups Physics objects in its subtree into an independent world simulation. |