Specifies which NLP Intent model should run to classify the transcription of the input audio. NLP Intent classification meant to extract the meaning of a sentence rather than detecting certain keywords. Multiple intent models can be used on the same transcription, and will run only on complete sentences (isFinalTranscription = True). Supported intent models: VOICE_ENABLED_UI.

var options = VoiceML.ListeningOptions.create();

var nlpIntentsModel = VoiceML.NlpIntentsModelOptions.create("VOICE_ENABLED_UI");
nlpIntentsModel.possibleIntents = [];

var nlpIntentsModel2 = VoiceML.NlpIntentsModelOptions.create("VOICE_ENABLED_UI");
nlpIntentsModel2.possibleIntents = ["next", "back"]

Hierarchy (View Summary, Expand)



possibleIntents: string[]

A list of the intents the Intent ML engine should use when classifying the sentence, for example ["back", "next"], in case no list provided, all possible intents of the model are used.

Supported intents for VOICE_ENABLED_UI: next, back, left, right, up, down, first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth.


  • Adds additional params to set in the ML engine.


    • key: string
    • value: string

    Returns void

  • Returns true if the object matches or derives from the passed in type.


    • type: string

    Returns boolean

  • Returns true if this object is the same as other. Useful for checking if two references point to the same thing.


    Returns boolean