Below is a list of all the classes that is a subclass of Provider.
Provider | Description |
AnimatedTextureFileProvider | Provider for animated texture resource. |
AudioEffectProvider | Provider for AudioEffectAsset. |
AudioOutputProvider | Provider of the Audio Output Audio Track asset. |
AudioTrackProvider | Base class for Audio Track providers. |
BodyDepthTextureProvider | Provides depth values of the tracked body encoded as D24_UNORM_S8_UINT in screen resolution. Depth is normalized between 0-1, and the stencil component is ignored. The values may be remapped from normalized units (0 to 1) to negative centimeters from the camera (-near in cm to -far in cm) using the Depth Map mode of the Texture 2D Sample node in Material Editor. |
BodyInstanceSegmentationTextureProvider | Provides segmentation confidence values encoded in the R channel. The texture has the Colorspace#RGBA format in screen resolution, but G , B , A channels should be ignored. |
BodyNormalsTextureProvider | Provides surface normal values of the tracked body encoded as RGBA (x, y, z, confidence) in R8G8B8A8_UNORM format in screen resolution. The XYZ values may need to be remapped from [0 -> 1] to [-1 -> 1] using the "Normal Map" mode of the Texture 2D Sample node in Material Editor. |
BodyRenderObjectProvider | Provider for full Body Mesh render object. |
CameraTextureProvider | The base class for specialized Texture providers. Can be accessed through Texture.control. |
ColocatedLandmarks2DRenderObjectProvider | Not usable from JS. Accessed via the Colocated Landmarks 2D Mesh resource. Contains the 2D keypoints when creating a Colocated map. Expanded by the material provided with template. |
ColocatedLandmarks3DRenderObjectProvider | Not usable from JS. Accessed via the Colocated Landmarks 3D Mesh resource. Contains the 3D landmarks when creating a Colocated map. Expanded by the material provided with template. |
ColocatedLandmarksRenderObjectProviderBase | Provider for RenderMesh data. |
CropTextureProvider | Base class for Texture Providers that crop an input texture. |
DepthStencilRenderTargetProvider | Access to a Depth Stencil Render Target that can output depth and stencil values from a Camera in Depth24/Stencil8 format. |
DepthTextureProvider | Provides depth information of the video feed that the Lens is being applied to when available. Can be accessed from mainPass.baseTex.control of a Spectacles Depth material. |
FaceCropTextureProvider | Texture Provider giving a cropped region of the input texture, calculated based on face position. Can be accessed using Texture.control on a FaceCropTexture asset.For more information, see the Crop Textures guide. |
FaceRenderObjectProvider | Mesh provider for a Face Mesh. Accessible through the control property on a Face Mesh RenderMesh . |
FaceTextureProvider | TextureProvider for face textures. See the Face Texture Guide for more information. Can be accessed using Texture.control on a face texture asset. |
FileAudioTrackProvider | Provider for file based Audio Tracks. |
FileLicensedSoundProvider | A file track provider of the Licensed Sounds from Asset LIbrary. |
FileTextureProvider | A TextureProvider for textures originating from files. |
LocationRenderObjectProvider | Provides access to a location's Mesh--such as when working with City Scale AR. Usually used in conjunction with LocationTextureProvider . |
LocationTextureProvider | Provides access to a location's texture--such as when working with City Scale AR. |
MapTextureProvider | A texture of the map at the given location of a LocationAsset . |
MarkerProvider | Base class for marker providers. For more information, see the Marker Tracking guide. |
MediaPickerTextureProvider | Base class for Texture Providers based on selectable media. |
MeshRenderObjectProvider | Provider for RenderMesh data. |
MicrophoneAudioProvider | The Audio Track Provider of the audio from microphone. |
ObjectTrackingMaskedTextureProvider | Base class for Texture Providers that crop an input texture. |
ObjectTrackingNormalsTextureProvider | Base class for Texture Providers that crop an input texture. |
ObjectTrackingTextureProvider | Controls a segmentation texture and its placement using information provided by Object tracking. |
ProceduralMeshRenderObjectProvider | RenderObjectProvider for mesh objects generated procedurally. |
ProceduralTextureProvider | Provides a texture that can be written to or read from. Can be accessed using Texture.control on a Procedural Texture. |
RectCropTextureProvider | Texture Provider providing a cropped region of the input texture. The region is specified by the cropRect in local space and rotation. Can be accessed using Texture.control on a RectCropTexture asset, such as a Screen Crop Texture. For more information, see the Crop Textures guide. |
RenderObjectProvider | Provider for RenderMesh data. |
RenderTargetProvider | Controls a camera texture resource. Can be accessed through Texture.control on a Camera texture. For more information, see the Camera and Layers guide. |
ReverseCameraTextureProvider | Texture Provider giving the camera texture that is the opposite of CameraTextureProvider. The provider will have LoadStatus.Loading until the camera feed is available. On some devices it will never be available. Use DeviceInfoSystem#supportsDualCamera to check the current device. For example, if the CameraTextureProvider is providing the rear camera feed, ReverseCameraTextureProvider would provide the front camera feed. |
ScreenTextureProvider | Texture providing the current Render Target being rendered. |
SegmentationTextureProvider | Controls a segmentation texture resource. Can be accessed through Texture.control on a Segmentation texture. For more information, see the Segmentation guide. |
SnapcodeMarkerProvider | Provides a marker for tracking Snapcodes. For more information, see the Marker Tracking guide. |
TextProvider | Controls a text rendering texture. Can be accessed through the main rendering pass on a Text component. The properties here mirror those on Text. |
TextureProvider | The base class for specialized Texture providers. Can be accessed through Texture.control. |
UpperBodyRenderObjectProvider | Provides a render object of the upper body, without the head. Unlike BodyMesh which handles the whole body, this model is optimized to work better with FaceMesh and selfie use cases. |
VideoTextureProvider | Controls a video texture resource. Can be accessed through Texture.control. |
WebPageTextureProvider | WebPageTextureProvider is the associated texture control that can be accessed from the texture.control property. This allows you to call functions such as loadUrl(“”) or to pass input events to. Note: Most functionality will require the onReady event to have been called. Any calls before this event may cause an exception. |
WorldRenderObjectProvider | Provider for RenderMesh data representing the estimated shape of real world objects generated from depth information. Only available when world mesh tracking is supported and enabled. |