Constraint type used by a Constraint. See also: Constraint, ConstraintComponent.

// Given two objects, with hangingBox below staticBox
// apply a constraint on hangingBox so that it hangs on the staticBox
// Try assigning a box object for each input!

// @input SceneObject staticBox
// @input SceneObject hangingBox

// Setup the boxes to have physics
var staticBox = script.staticBox;
var staticBoxBody = staticBox.createComponent("Physics.BodyComponent");
staticBoxBody.dynamic = false;

var hangingBox = script.hangingBox;
var hangingBoxBody = hangingBox.createComponent("Physics.BodyComponent");

// Create a child object that we can set up as our hinge
var hingeObj = global.scene.createSceneObject("hinge");

// First we use the child object as a constraint
var hingeConstraint = hingeObj.createComponent("Physics.ConstraintComponent");

// Then we set up the constraint as a hinge
hingeConstraint.debugDrawEnabled = true;
hingeConstraint.constraint = Physics.Constraint.create(Physics.ConstraintType.Hinge);

// Attach our hinge to another Physics body = staticBoxBody;

// Position the hinge
hingeObj.getTransform().setLocalPosition(new vec3(-7.5, 7.5, 0))

// Tell the system to recalculate the simulation based on the above parameters

Enumeration Members

Enumeration Members

Fixed: number

Constrains colliders to fixed rotation and position. See FixedConstraint.

Hinge: number

Constrains colliders to rotate around a single axis. See HingeConstraint.

Point: number

Constrains colliders to rotate around a point. See PointConstraint.