SceneEvents List

Below is a list of all the classes that is a subclass of SceneEvent.

SceneEvent Description
BrowsLoweredEvent Triggered when eyebrows are lowered on the tracked face.
BrowsRaisedEvent Triggered when eyebrows are raised on the tracked face.
BrowsReturnedToNormalEvent Triggered when eyebrows are returned to normal on the tracked face.
CameraBackEvent Triggered when the device's back facing camera becomes active.
CameraFrontEvent Triggered when the device's front facing camera becomes active.
ConnectedLensEnteredEvent Event fired when the "Launch connected lens" button was pressed. Wait for this event to be triggered before creating a session, as having this event gaurantees the user has accepted the necessary disclosures to use a connected lens experience.
DelayedCallbackEvent An event that gets triggered after a delay.
FaceFoundEvent Triggered when a new face is detected and starts being tracked.
FaceLostEvent Triggered when a face can no longer be tracked. For example, if a face gets blocked from the camera's view, or gets too far away.
FaceTrackingEvent This is the base class for all face tracking events. This event won't actually get triggered itself, so use one of the child classes instead.
HoverEvent Triggered when a mouse hover event occurs. Only triggered in the Preview panel of Lens studio. Useful when working with Spectacles, where you can simulate the use of your hand to hover over an object. Does not get triggered on mobile.
KissFinishedEvent Triggered when the tracked face ends a kiss.
KissStartedEvent Triggered when the tracked face starts a kiss.
LateUpdateEvent This event is triggered at the end of every frame, after normal UpdateEvent trigger
but before rendering occurs.
ManipulateEndEvent This event is triggered when manipulation on the object ends.
ManipulateStartEvent This event is triggered when manipulation on the object begins.
MouthClosedEvent Triggered when the tracked face's mouth closes.
MouthOpenedEvent Triggered when the tracked face's mouth opens.
OnAwakeEvent Triggered when the Lens starts, earlier than all OnStart events. Also fires immediately on a newly instantiated or copied object.
OnDestroyEvent Triggered when the associated ScriptComponent is destroyed while the lens is running.
OnDisableEvent Triggered when the ScriptComponent this event is bound to is disabled.
OnEnableEvent Triggered when the ScriptComponent this event is bound to is enabled.
OnPauseEvent Triggered when users tap the menu button in Palm UI.

When paused, certain behaviors like animations or script updates continue running in the background, while inputs (e.g., Hand Tracking, Mobile Controller) are disabled to allow the system overlay to take priority. Developers should manage scenarios where the Lens is paused to maintain a seamless experience.
OnResumeEvent Triggered when users tap the menu button in Palm UI during pause state.

When paused, certain behaviors like animations or script updates continue running in the background, while inputs (e.g., Hand Tracking, Mobile Controller) are disabled to allow the system overlay to take priority. Developers should manage scenarios where the Lens is resumed after pause to maintain a seamless experience.
OnStartEvent Triggered when the Lens starts, after all OnAwakeEvents have triggered. Also triggers later on newly instantiated or copied objects.
SceneObjectEvent Base class for all object-based Event types in Lens Studio (ManipulateStartEvent, TapEvent, etc.).
SmileFinishedEvent Triggered when a smile ends on the tracked face.
SmileStartedEvent Triggered when a smile begins on the tracked face.
SnapImageCaptureEvent Called when the user taps on the capture button to record an image.
SnapRecordStartEvent Gets called when the user starts long pressing the capture button to record a Snap.
SnapRecordStopEvent Gets called when the user stops long pressing the Snap button to end recording of a Snap.
SurfaceTrackingResetEvent If a DeviceTracking component is present in the scene, this event is triggered when
the tracking is restarted (typically when the Lens starts, or if the user taps the ground).
TapEvent This event is triggered when the user taps on the screen.
TouchEndEvent Triggered when a touch event ends.
TouchMoveEvent Triggered when a touch position on the screen is moved.
TouchStartEvent Triggered when a touch event starts.
TriggerPrimaryEvent Gets called when the user triggers the primary input on their device. For example touch on touch screens.
TurnOffEvent Triggered when the lens turns off.
UpdateEvent Triggered every frame.
WorldTrackingMeshesAddedEvent Triggered when new world tracking meshes are detected. Only available when a Device Tracking component is in the scene, and world mesh tracking is supported and enabled.
WorldTrackingMeshesRemovedEvent Triggered when some world tracking meshes are no longer detected. Only available when a Device Tracking component is in the scene, and world mesh tracking is supported and enabled.
WorldTrackingMeshesUpdatedEvent Triggered when world tracking meshes are updated. Only available when a Device Tracking component is in the scene, and world mesh tracking is supported and enabled.
WorldTrackingPlanesAddedEvent Triggered when plane(s) are newly detected. The worldOptions.nativePlaneTrackingType must be set to anything other than NativePlaneTrackingType.None. In addition, DeviceTracking component must be set to World mode to orient the Camera relative to the planes correctly.
WorldTrackingPlanesRemovedEvent Triggered when plane(s) are no longer detected. This usually happens when two planes merge into one. Planes persist when no longer seen by camera(s) and when previously detected objects move (e.g. a door is opened) to create a static scene. DeviceTracking component must be set to World mode to orient the Camera relative to the planes correctly.
WorldTrackingPlanesUpdatedEvent Triggered when currently detected plane(s) are updated. This usually happens when a plane grows in size. The worldOptions.nativePlaneTrackingType must be set to anything other than NativePlaneTrackingType.None. In addition, DeviceTracking component must be set to World mode to orient the Camera relative to the planes correctly.